"If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me" Mt 16:24
The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Oceania
Formed as The Archdiocese of the Southern Hemisphere (2015-2019).
Renamed The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Oceania (2019).
Headquartered in Australia and moved to New Zealand.
Suffragan Dioceses:
Cuba; New Zealand and The Philippines.
Sister Churches in the Province:
The Australian Church of Antioch; The Anglican Church International; The United Ecumenical Catholic Church and The Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch.
Australia; Brazil; Hawaii; Kenya; South Africa; Tahiti; Tonga and Vanuatu.
Current Ordinary
Abp Rima Tamaiparea-Puki (August 2019).
Former Ordinaries
Abp David J Leet (2015-2019).
Active Bishops
Archbishop of Oceania; Abp Francis Bugge; Bishop of Cuba; Bishop of The Philippines; Bishop of New Zealand and Bp Therese McNamara.
Fr Andrew-John Bethke (Dec 2024)
Emeritus Bishops
Abp David Leet, Bp Gordon Fraser and Abp Ian Adrian
Deceased Bishops
Abp Leonie Newman (Oct 2024)
Vicars General/Episcopal Vicars
Bp Therese McNamara - Australia; Fr Antonio Ocharo - Kenya; Fr Allister Kelley OSFS - New Zealand and Mtr Carla van Aswegen VG - South Africa.